Javascript Date Methods

Date plays an important role in tracking moments when an event has occurred.

new Date() returns a Date object with current date and time(Ex: Sat Aug 05 2023 13:13:26 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)).

const d = new Date("2023-03-24");//Date is 2023-03-24

const d = new Date();//

Below are the different kinds of date formats that are accepted(Y-Year;M-Month;D-Date)

    const d = new Date("2024-06-29")
  • Short (MM/DD/YYYY)
    const d=new Date("06/29/2024");
    Note :
    1. Month and Date order can be in any order.
    2. Separator can be anything, that will be ignored.
    3. Only 3 characters are considered in Month part.

    const d=new Date("29 JUN 2024");
    const d=new Date("JUN 29 2024");
    const d=new Date("29*JUN*2024");//any separator
    const d=new Date("29 JUne 2024");//any case
"Invalid Date" will be returned if the provided date is in incorrect format.

Javascript allows Date manipulation with different methods.


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