CSS Basics
CSS (Cascading Styles of Sheets) is the language used for styling the HTML documents/elements. Web page with plain HTML is like human skeleton without any skin/muscle, while HTML with CSS is like Human with skin,muscle and skeleton. CSS Improves the User Experience and asthetics of the web page.
Cascading styles meaning the style applied to parent element will be cascaded down to child elements. Styles of higher precendence override the lower precendence. Example is, we may apply the font size of the body tag(Parent) to 16px, while applying font size 20px to a div(child), 16px will be overriden by 20px. if there is no font size mentioned then it will take 16px font size from parent's style.
Basic syntax of css style is as below
There are different ways, we can include css styles for the HTML page.
- In-line styles
Applied using style attribute of the HTML element.
ex: <span style="color:red">Test</span>
Adding <style> under <head> tag
ex: <head> <style> span{ color:red; } </style> </head>
Adding external style sheet with css styles<style> under <head> tag
Ex:<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="https://example.com/test.css">Each Browser has default styles for HTML elements. we can override the styles with different approaches mentioned above.
Let's understand the basic CSS selectors.
CSS Selectors
CSS Attributes
color attribute applies color to the text content, it can take values of pre-defind color names ,RGB, HEX, HSL, RGBA, HSLA.
- Red(0-255),Green(0-255),Blue(0-255)
- Hexadecimal number for each color is from 00 to FF
- Hue(0-360); Red(0-120),Blue(120-240),Green(240-360)Saturation(0%(shade of grey) - 100%(full color))Lightness(0%(dark) - 100%(white))
- Red,Green,Blue and Alpha
Alpha (0(transparent) - 1(opaque))
Background is used to set the background for the html element. Just like this way or we can insert an image or color or gradient colors as backgrounds. background is a short hand for mutliple properties. These are
- background-color
{ background-color:'lightgreen'; }test
- background-image
{ background-image: url(./watermark_macha.png)'; }test
- background-repeat
{ background-image: url(./watermark_macha.png)'; background-repeat: no-repeat';/*default is repeat*/ }test
- background-position(position of image w.r.t view port)
{ background-image: url(./watermark_macha.png)'; background-repeat: no-repeat'; background-position: center; }test
- background-attachment(by default scroll i.e image will go up as we scroll)
{ background-image: url(./watermark_macha.png)'; background-repeat: no-repeat'; background-position: bottom right; background-attachment:fixed;/*fixed,scroll,local etc.*/ }test
Box Modal
Box modal is a box that wraps around an HTML element. it consists of padding,margin,border and content. Example below Shows the box modal.
Each element has a default margin and padding as dictated by browser.- border
- border-color
{ border-color:lightgreen; }test
- border-style
{ border-style:dashed; }test
- border-width
{ border-color:blue; border-width:5px; }test
- border-sides
{ border-left: 2px solid red; border-right: 2px dotted blue; border-top: 2px dashed green; border-bottom: 2px double black; }test
- padding
- padding
{ padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 10px; padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 20px; }test
- margin
- margin
{ margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 10px; margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 20px; }test
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