Array is a collection of data of the same type, data is stored in the contiguous memory locations, arrays are accessed using index, the variable for which the array is assigned will be pointing to the address of first value of array, location of any item can be calculated quickly, thus accessing an array using an index is quick. Let us see some array methods in javascript. Array methods can be mutable or immutable Mutable meaning original array is modified Immutable meaning method will return a new array without modifying original array Let's be little animated, let's take array with animals as values.
HTML (Hypertext markup language) is used to build web pages, which are accessed across internet, it defines the structure/skeleton of webpage content using different tags, ex: <h1>Heading1</h1> . Each tag represent a structure, which usually has opening and closing tags as above example, though there are few exceptions,which are self closing. ex: <br/> Below is the sample HTML structure. <html> <- root html tag <head> <- head tag has meta,title,style and script etc. tags <title>Title</title> </head> <body> <- actual page content goes inside <h1>Header</h1> <body> </html> Let's understand some basic HTML tags. Refer here for examples Below are the sample html problems to start with. ...
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